Saturday, April 16, 2011

Egg Hunt prints!

Secret project revealed!

Set of 12 4x6 prints, one of each egg, up in my Etsy Shop here.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Secret Project!

It's not ready for a reveal yet but I have been working on a special secret project the past few days. Once I am all ready to show you what it is, I will post it here. 
Fingers crossed that I am able to catch up on posting the 365 stuff as well.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I'm Alive! [and Links!]

I'm still alive, don't worry! I have been going from one thing to the next for days on end. I had a paper due, then I had to finish my Graphic Design and Visual Art assignments. And on Friday I had an interview at Michael's in the Frameshop (won't know if I got it until Monday or Tuesday). Why must college eat me alove sometimes?

Right now I'm working on a special project that you will be very excited for!
But while you are waiting for me to get my butt back on track, you could go take a peek in my Etsy Shop! There are only 2 prints up as of this posting, and I hope to get more up in the next few days as my time gets freed up.
If you want to keep up with what I'm doing, "Like" my page on Facebook, or follow me on Twitter.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Back Bones - Day 74

DAy 74: Back Bones

In the field, there are a lot of ravines.
There was a collection of cow bones spread out in one ravine/valley.
I enjoyed the bottom one due to its symmetry and the snow melt around it.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Car Inside - Day 73

Day 73: Car Inside

Wouldn't recommend you try to drive this...

Monday, March 14, 2011

Car Front - Day 72

Day 72: Car Front
The front of the old bug.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Car Window - Day 71

Day 71: Car Window
Near my house is a field, and in that field there is essentially a tractor/machine graveyard. There was this old rusted bug. Did a little playing in photoshop and this is what the result was.
Really like this!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Wine Cork - Day 70

Day 70: Wine Cork
Wine: fermented grape juice. Cork: lid of a wine bottle.

I couldn't get an acurate shot of the crystals on the cork, but I did get this.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Tall Tree - Day 69

Day 69: Tall Tree
Tall: expansive in height. Tree: the plant that wood comes from.


I'm still alive! Just not been able to take and post photos. Soon, I promise. I may start posting only every few days, but posting something for each day. Not sure yet.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sniff Sniff- Day 68

Day 68: Sniff Sniff
Sniff: inhale a scent.

I wasn't trying to have the dog do this, but he decided he would get in my shot and sniff the sunflowers. =]

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Self Portrait- Day 67

Day 67: Self Portrait

I have been wearing my hair like this for the past few days. I'm not sure why, but I like how it looks.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mardi Gras - Day 66

Day 66: Mardi Gras
Mardi Gras: Fat Tuesday

Yes, I'm outside without a jacket. Yes, it was 20 degrees. Yes, I was cold.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Quothed Raven - Day 65

Day 65 - Quoth Raven
Quothed: said. Raven: black bird that looks much like a crow.

Unfortunately, there is a serious lack of ravens here, so the common American Crow has to do.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Rose Water - Day 64

Day 64: Rose Water
Rose: Pink flower that grows in a bush with thorns. Water: H2O that has fallen from the sky and collected upon petals.

I can't wait for winter to be done and spring to be here. I'm done with snow and I would love for it to rain.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Narnia Lamppost - Day 63

Day 63: Narnia Lamppost
Narnia: a world created by C.S. Lewis. Lamppost: the meeting location of Lucy Pevensie and Mr. Tumnus.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Mirage Meow - Day 62

Day 62: Mirage Meow
Mirage: optical phenomenon. Meow: cat's voice.

This is what a cat looks like when it's a low light situation and he moves.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Friendly Face - Day 61

Day 61: Friendly Face
Friendly: kind, gentle. Face: the location of eyes, nose, and mouth.

During the Central States Fair, my mom and I went and visited the horse barn and there was a stall that had two little goat friends in it as well. This one wanted to be my friend more than the other did. =]

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Bubble Travel - Day 60

Day 60: Bubble Travel
Bubble: an orb of soap. Travel: to move about from place to place.

Back in August, I helped a friend do another friend's senior pictures. There was bubble stuff in a car and that became a prop/environmental feature. I was trying to catch a bubble in a photo, and only manage to get a couple. I like this one the most myself. Sadly it isn't in focus.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Special Treat - Day 59

Day 59: Special Treat
Actually arrived on day 58 of my 365 project.

Back in December, I donated $25 to the Save the Children fund during the Project for Awesome. The particular charity I choose was the one that Maureen Johnson was doing. The winnable prize was an ARC*  of her newest book, The Last Little Blue Envelope**. Guess who won one?! ME!

Upon its arrival, there was much joy, a little jumping around, a bit of squeaking and much, MUCH happiness.

I have never had anything personally signed to me. And the cool part was that it was hand addressed, to me, by MJ. One of my favorite authors has my address. Kinda, really awesomely cool. =D
*Advanced Reader Copy, bookstores usually get them for employees to read or they are for people to write reviews on.
**Sequel to my favorite of hers, 13 Little Blue Envelopes

Monday, February 28, 2011

Rainbow Sherbet - Day 58

Day 58: Rainbow Sherbet
Rainbow: spectrum of colors. Sherbet: frozen dessert.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Be back up soon!

I just have to get some free spare time to get back up and running.
Sorry for a wait again!

Edit: 3/1/11
I haven't had a great deal of time or inspiration when I do have time. I have a few of the smoke pictures that I will post for the "Missing Days". Things have been chaotic and weird for a few days and things get set aside.

Glowing Black - Day 57

Day 57: Glowing Black
Glowing: appearing luminesent. Black: dark color.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Chartreuse Plume - Day 56

Day 56: Chartreuse Plume
Chartreuse: a colour varying from a clear yellowish-green to a strong greenish-yellow. Plume: a vertically or longitudinally moving, rising, or expanding fluid body, as of smoke or water.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Blue Rainbow - Day 55

Day 55: Blue Rainbow

Blue: the hue between green and purple. Rainbow: a spectrum of colors.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Pampered Digits - Day 54

Day 54: Pampered Digits
Pampered: Painted, trimmed, cared for. Digits: hands, fingers.

Yes that is a lot of nail clippers. Seven to be exact. All of them were in the couch.
And my dad wonders where they go....

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Blue Smoke - Day 53

Day 53: Blue Smoke

Okay, I know that I did this idea yesterday, but I liked my outcomes so much that there might be a few more. =]

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Rose Smoke - Day 52

Day 52: Rose Smoke
Rose: Pink. Smoke: Uh...smoke?

I tried this technique that Nelson Horsley showed me how to do.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Neon Housing - Day 51

Day 51: Neon Housing
Neon dyed brightly. Housing: formerly enclosing a soft body of a tiny animal.

Played with the HDR toning in CS5 and this is what I ended up with.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Electric Meat - Day 50

Day 50: Electric Meat
Electric: glowing, as if lighted. Meat: the fleshy, edible part of fruit.

A delicious combination of mango and kiwi. Tart and slightly piney.
For whatever reason, I think that mango's taste vaguely like the smell of pine trees.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Self Portrait - Day 49

Day 49: Self Portrait
I decided it was time for a self portrait. =]

Friday, February 18, 2011

Illuminance Halos - Day 48

Day 48: Illuminance Halos
Illuminance: lighted, made of lights. Halos: round paths of light.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hey, Did you notice something?

If you didn't notice...days 41 through today are now UP!
Sorry for the wait of almost a week!

Here's a treat to cheer you up though!
Sheep! Well, sheep rear.
There is something in the works that might be appearing this weekend or next week.
He's pretty cute....

Pink Cheeks - Day 47

Day 47: Pink Cheeks
Pink: light red, slightly fuschia. Cheeks: patches of pink on flowers.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pea Pod - Day 46

Day 46: Pea Pod
Pea: a small round object inside a pod. Pod: the thing that holds the small round objects.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Birthday Succulents - Day 45

Day 45: Birthday Succulents
Birthday: It's my mom's birthday! Succlents: the plants that my sister Beth sent her for her birthday.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Love Day - Day 44

Day 44: Love Day
Love Day: Valentine's Day.

Happy Valentine's Day!
=] <3

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hand Grown - Day 43

Day 43: Hand Grown
Hand: manmade. Grown: manmade fungi.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Love-a Lamp - Day 42

Day 42: Love-a Lamp
Love-a: like lava, but since it't a heart... Lamp: need I say it?


Friday, February 11, 2011

Twisted Perspective - Day 41

Day 41: Twisted Perspective
Twisted: skewed. perspective: angle of view.

The light fixture is in the Holiday Inn next to our Civic Center. I went to go watch the SHS Drumline play and be photojournalist. They were invited to play at the P.E. Teachers convention.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

One Lump? - Day 40

Day 40: One Lump?
One: single. Lump: usually of sugar.

"One lump, or two?"

I usually only put ice cubes in my coffee, not sugar cubes. But that's not to say that there isn't sugar involved. ;)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Snow Blind - Day 39

Day 39: Snow Blind
Snow: frozen white stuff all over the yard. Blind: shrunken feline pupils, giving a slightly evil effect.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Vana Pedum - Day 38

Day 38
Vana Pedum: Latin for "Idle Feet".

I'm not making this up when I say thats how my shoes were when I took them off. I had been kneling on the floor arranging my quilt so I could get a decent picture of it for my sister, and I shucked my shoes, and thats how that happened.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Hidden Agenda - Day 37

Day 37: Hidden Agenda
Hidden: inconspicuous, non-obvious. Agenda: schedule, plan, idea, to do list.

The large flake is what I meant to capture. The funny, "bad" flake was not even noticed until viewing of photos later.
See if you can find the "bad" flake. He's pretty small, so you might have to click on the picture to view it larger. Let me know what it is that the flake looks like. I thought it was pretty funny.
Mom, you know where it is, no cheating!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Girlish Charm - Day 36

Day 36: Girlish Charm
Girlish: feminine. Charm: sparkly bit of metal that hangs on a string.

This is the bracelet that RAS's parents gave me for graduation last spring.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Frosted Fancy - Day 35

Day 35: Frosted Fancy
Frosted: covered in sugary paste. Fancy: to like, enjoy, want.

Disclaimer: a banana was consumed prior to the cupcake.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Love Letters - Day 34

Day 34: Love Letters
Love: amore, to care for someone. Letters: pieces of paper that come in folded up pieces of paper with a sticky piece of paper on the front and some ink scribbled out.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Pale Artiodactyl - Day 33

Day 33: Pale Artiodactyl
Pale: light rose, almost peach colored. Artiodactyl: even toed.

This is Wilda. She sits on my desk, keeping the silver piggy bank company. The bank was a gift from my parents for graduation. It's a silver pig with a red gingham bandana. He is quite full of character. =]

You were so eager to see today's photo you didn't even notice the new header up top, did you? I'm kidding, of course you saw it! I decided I needed some sort of update, and that happily only took about 5 minutes.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Frosty Foot - Day 32

Day 32: Frosty Foot
Frosty: snowy, frozen. Foot: doggy toes.
Poor thing was cold.

Bonus photos!
Here is what I made for the drama department as a good luck charm for their performance at the state one act competition. They perform at 11:45 am on Friday in Brandon Valley, SD. Break a Leg SHS S.T.A.R.S.!

I wrote a little note to accompany the jar of 100 lucky stars.
"Dear Alice Ensemble,
You are probably wondering what exactly this is all about, right? Well, what you hold in your hand is a jar of 100 lucky stars. They will help to guide you and remind you of all the hard work you have done to get to this point.

As I made each star, I remembered many things about my own experiences at state competition. I remembered being stressed out during hell week and nervous during the competition performance. But I also remembered all the enjoyable, fun times I had as well. Remember those good and bad times, and treasure them. You may not realize it, but you have learned a great deal in the past weeks.

Take a look around you. These people are not only your friends, they are your family. Some you have known for a while, others you met when rehearsals started. If you think about it, it’s amazing how different your life is with just one new person in it.
Teamwork divides the task and multiplies the success. -Author Unknown
Regardless of differences, we strive shoulder to shoulder... Teamwork can be summed up in five short words: "We believe in each other."
-Author Unknown

You are telling a story with every movement, every sound, and every word. Everyone, on and off the stage are telling a story. So:
Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.
–Lewis Carroll, the King to the White Rabbit

Break a Leg!
Much love,

All you need is trust and a little bit of pixie dust. –Peter Pan ( JM Barrie)"