Monday, January 31, 2011

Frigid Cyan - Day 31

Day 31: Frigid Cyan
Frigid: negative degrees. Cyan: blue.

It was super pretty, but really "effing" cold today. The school district has a 2 hour late start tomorrow due to below zero temperatures.
SHS STARS opened Alice in Wonderland tonight, mom and I are attending tomorrow night. They leave for competition this week.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Feather Soft - Day 30

Day 30: Feather Soft
Feather: plummage, particularly that of a male peafowl. Soft: delicate, dainty, light.

I lucked out yesterday with having the birthday wish posted early in the day for my dear sister. The winter weather caused the power to go out at about 11:15 last night, and if I hadn't posted it, we would have had a problem. However, the weather made up for it with pretty fog and snowflakes, but it still thumbed its nose with cold temperatures. RAS and I enjoyed a bit of time outside taking photographs. He received a Pentax K-x for Christmas and hasn't had a really good chance to try it out yet. Today was lovely for it. =]

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Happy Birthday Beth!

Happy birthday to my big "zizz"!

Untitled - Day 28

Day 28: Untitled
Untitled: nameless.

I was laying on my floor and I liked the angle of view that I could see my model from. However, I hadn't a clue what to title it. That's where you come in dear reader. Come up with a title for me! =]

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Second Star - Day 27

Day 27: Second Star
Second: after the first, following, next in line. Star: a celestial portal to a land far away that only children know and a boy named Peter.

I have been folding quite a few of these little stars the past two days. These examples are actually the two large ones and the tiny one I have made. I am assembling some others for a gift to the theatre department at SHS as good luck on their one act competition performance this coming week. They are doing Alice in Wonderland and the stars I am making have card suits on them. I will have a bonus photo posted once it is completed. My thumbnails may not be able to handle it, as I have to make the star shape with them and one is already sore.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Lonely Hiphopopotamus - Day 26

Day 26: Lonely Hiphopopotamus
Lonely: singular, without a rhymenocerous. Hiphopopotamus: his lyrics are bottomless!
"Did Steve tell you that? What's he got to do with it?"

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bug's Eye - Day 25

Day 25: Bug's Eye
Bug's: belonging to a bug. Eye: the view from which a bug would see this.

It is an upsidedown view of the light fixture in my room.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Hobby Support - Day 24

Day 24: Hobby Support
Hobby: sparetime, photography, passion. Support: nifty new bookends I purchased the other day.

I got the pair of bookends, the above pictured and the buddy to it, in a little antiques shop in the mall this weekend. I look forward to going back soon to look at more of what they have, I didn't look very far.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Iconic Rise - Day 23

Day 23: Iconic Rise
Iconic: recognizable. Rise: lift.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Inside Heights - Day 22

Day 22: Inside Heights

Inside: indoors. Heights: animal's eye view up the stairs makes the stairs even higher.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Symbiotic Nature - Day 21

Day 21: Symbiotic Nature
Symbiotic: gaining something from one another. Nature: inherent tendencies, the non-human world.

"I'll block the sun in your eyes if you catch the wind on my back."

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Crunchy Success - Day 20

Day 20: Crunchy Success
Cunchy: fried potato slices, crisps. Success: most delicious thing I have ever made.

Recipe for the most delicious thing I have ever made:
1 can/packet tuna, or salmon. Both are good, salmon is better, tuna in a packet is better than in a can.
1 tub of sundried tomato and basil cream cheese
Any kind of white cheese. Yellow cheese just doesn't blend well.
Optional: mayo or Miracle Whip if you so choose (makes it a little moister).
Bowl, fork, bread, etc...

Empty can or packet of tuna/salmon into bowl. Mash it up a little so its not so chunky. Add 2-3 good sized fork fulls of the cream cheese (and optional mayo). Mix together. (I prefer my tuna a bit more like a paste and not chunky, but its up to you and your mouth's preference on that one.)
I used string cheese for this particular batch but any white cheese in any form will do, just cut into small pieces and mix in.
Put on bread or whatever you want. Enjoy!

I came up with this the last time I stayed at Becka and Andy's house cause they didn't have any mayo. So delicious..... =]

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Unbalanced Fast - Day 19

Day 19: Unbalanced Fast
Unbalanced: uneven, unequal. Fast: quick, speedy, zippy.

Coincidentally, all batteries to these cars are dead, and the Viper got tinsel in the axel and doesn't really drive great anymore. Not so zippy.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Plainly Disastrous - Day 18

Day 18: Plainly Disastrous
Plainly: simply, unsuspecting, ordinary. Disastrous: hazardous, you never suspect the quiet ones...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Skinny Crowd - Day 17

Day 17: Skinny Crowd
Skinny: Little, narrow. Crowd: many, no wiggle room.

As I lack a large stash of sickly, underweight models, toothpicks were a good substitute.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Slowly Wilderness - Day 16

Day 16: Slowly Wilderness
Slowly: sluggish, extreme opposite of quick. Wilderness: fauna from the outside.

We have had these airplants for years and they have never seemed to grow any larger.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Childhood Treasure - Day 15

Day 15: Childhood Treasure
Childhood: pre-adulthood, pre-adolesence. Treasure: priceless old friend.

Name: Theodore Polar Bear Stafford, but he goes by just Theo.
Age: 18 years old.
Home: Safe and warm in my best friend's arms.

In the 18 years that I have had Theo:
-He has traveled thousands of miles (car, bus, plane, ship).
-He has lost his bearish figure around the torso; poor thing flops over and looks like he is woozy with his head between his knees.
-He's been squashed, mashed, thrown about, dropped on the floor, sat on, and drowned in the washing machine and then hung by his ears to dry.
-He's been cried on, carried around, shown off at school and stuffed in a backpack.
-He's kept me company when I'm alone or when I was sick.  
-He fills the space that a pillow can't in any situation.
-He only has one little hole in his neck that the tip of my pinky can fit in.
-There are only a couple threads missing from his embroidered nose, and his tag is finally starting to fade to illegibility.

After all that he's still my bear, chipped eyes and all.

My uncle who gave him to me said that "her" name was Theodora. Since I received him at about 6 mos. old, it took a couple years for me to correct the fact that Theo was indeed a boy. Girl bears just don't wear red plaid bowties around their necks. They wear girly pink ones on their ears. Silly uncle... =]
Mind you I was little at the time and had a very small understanding of the world and fashion.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Infinite Youth - Day 14

Day 14: Infinite Youth

Infinite: Unending, continuous. Youth: young, ageless.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Pink Blur - Day 13

Day 13: Pink Blur
Pink: Pale red. Blur: unsharp.

I had never tried this technique before, this was the first try too. =]

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hidden Kiss - Day 12

Day 12: Hidden Kiss
Hidden: buried, disguised, tucked away. Kiss: you'll have to find it to know what a kiss is.

Click on the picture to have a larger image to view.
If you can tell me where the object is and what is meant by it, leave a comment. I might maybe, [provided I have time and school doesn't eat me alive] consider a special present if you get it.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Stitched Mountain - Day 11

Day 11: Stitched Mountain
Stitched: embroidered image on fabric. Mountain: a camera accessory company's logo.

Okay, it is WAY TOO COLD here....currently it is -1. Personally, I'm okay with the cold, just not that cold.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Odd Hatch - Day 10

Day 10: Odd Hatch
Odd: abnormal. Hatch: group of eggs.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Bed Time Confined - Day 9

Day 9: Bed Time Confined
Bed Time: Sleepy brown dog in brown leather chair. Confined: Large dog barely fits in brown leather chair.
Emily makes a really cute monochrome in RAS's living room furniture.
I'm going to edit this tomorrow, I don't have the brains to do it anymore today, but I had to get it up! I'm not going to fail you [and myself]!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Contained Woman - Day 8

Day 8: Contained Woman
Contained: held together, limited by a boundary or physical barrier. Woman: female, grown up girl.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Undone Silhouette - Day 7

Day 7: Undone Silhouette
Undone: In this case, reversed in colors.  Silhouette: the outline or general shape of something.
In fashion terms, the silhouette is that of male and female put together, thus it is undone in a way.

Here is the full color, unfiltered version:
My prom dress from my Junior year, along with RAS's suit jacket, and the peacock feathers I have from my summer job. 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Miniature Metropolitan - Day 6

Day 6: Miniature Metropolitan
Miniature: small, scaled down, itty-bitty. Metropolitan: pertaining to a large city.

This is my dad's Statue of Liberty trinket that he has had since he was a small boy.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sister Buzz - Day 5

Day 5: Sister Buzz
Sister: female sibling who has talented hands. Buzz: the sound a bee makes as it zips past the end of your nose.

Christmas ornament my sister Becka made for my mom last year in honor of her blog and it's title.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

100% Passage of Time - Day 4

Day Four: 100% Passage of Time
100%: complete, whole, all parts making a whole [fraction]. Passage of Time: seconds to minutes to hours to days...

Monday, January 3, 2011

Outlet Traitor - Day 3

Day Three: Outlet Traitor
Outlet: power source. Traitor: betrayer.

Now, these safety caps have been in that outlet since I was old enough to be mobile. I'm a freshman in college now, I know better than to stick stuff in outlets that shouldn't be there. We don't use that corner of the dining room since it's kind of hidden behind the table.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Determined Disorder - Day 2

Day Two: Determined Disorder
Determined: Concluded after observing. Disorder: Christmas aftermath.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Simple Renewal - Day 1

I have decided to start a 365 project for 2011.
Day One: Simple Renewal
Simple: 11:11:11 on 1/1 of '11.
Renewal: New Years Day date.
The photo isn't as good and completely sharp as I usually shoot, but as you can probably guess by the time shown, I literally was capturing a moment in time. I noticed that the date printed on the bottom of the clock is a decade past us, which made my subject more fitting.