Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I seem to be quite terrible at posting anything on here, ever, if at all.
So I think the next few posts, this one included shall be of some pictures that I have taken in the past. They will most likely be ones that have appeared on my website and Facebook page. I'm going to have plenty of time to edit some photos over the break from school, but I also have some classwork that requires my attention. The weather has gotten a bit, well, to be quite frank, effing cold. And since I don't really want to expose my own self to that, I don't think I will be exposing the camera to that. It's about 16 degrees right now. COLD! with a side of roughly 6 inches of snow. Yippee. Maybe, provided I pay attention, if the sun comes back out I'll try to get a shot of sparkly snow.


Saturday, October 16, 2010

New Toy!

Lookie what I got!
I love it sooooo much!
It's a tablet, with a pen and touch features. The touch part is just like the trackpad mouse on a laptop. The pen works like a mouse and makes photoediting so, SO nice to do. Wacom makes two other versions of this one, just the pen and tablet and just the touch tablet. They also make the Fun and Craft versions. All their products can be found at wacom.com.
I'll post some photos I've edited after this post.

Monday, September 13, 2010

A happy little accident

The other day I was driving home from lunch with my boyfriend, RAS, and I saw this cool looking storm to the west. I needed to stop for gas, and I passed the station just by my house. Once I got home I took my dog out for a walk and took my camera with me. By the time I got to taking pictures the storm had changed a little. The rain had been almost a straight, slightly slanted, column. It had softened and widened when I got there.

After I shot a few photos, I found some little asters. Using my macro lens I managed to take a lovely shot, a little less crisp than I like, but what can you do about wind... 

 Upon looking at it on my computer I saw the little detail I had missed with my own eyes.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of July

So, I had to work on the 4th. Some of you would say "That sucks! you have to work on the 4th! No fun for you!"
I have no qualms working on the forth. Our founding fathers, with the support of their wives mind you, created a free country for the future generations. Today is about our country's freedom. But what freedom means to me is well, freedom. A lack of complete control, a lack of puppeteering. And, even though it didn't happen on the same date, or year, women fought for their rights. To vote, to work, to be equals. And in the founding documents it reads "All men are created equal." That doesn't mean all males are equal it means all of mankind, humans, Homosapiens, are equal. Women couldn't work and get paid for it until someone fought for it and gained that freedom. And without our freedom as the country we are, we may not have ever been able to vote, male or female. So, if men had never been able to vote, women would never have been able to either. Without the war, we would not be the country we are.
I can't fully express exactly what I mean, the emotion I have, in words. You would have to be me to understand. It sounds snooty, but it's true. How can you know exactly the every detail of what I mean, without being me?
And I wouldn't be me without my country I have grown in, I live in, my family lives in, my family was born in. Had our ancestors not done what they did when they did it, things would be different.
I thank everyone. Our fathers, our mothers[founding mothers you don't often hear about, the wives, sisters, daughters, mothers of the fathers who gave our country it's life. The men really did give birth to our country.] I thank them. Even the enemies of our freedom, those trying to take it away. And this applies all across the globe. Without something to fight against and resist, we wouldn't be the same. Without having something to protect ourselves from we would not be a country. We wouldn't be anything.
And I thank you dear reader. Without you, where would your parent be? Your child? Your friends? Your pets even? Somehow you and I are connected by something other than these words and cyberspace. Maybe your great great ever so great grandmother was the sister to a former president. or the Presidents neighbor. Or maybe just someone's friend who decided to speak up for what they thought our country needed in order to be better. Or maybe you inspired someone when you were a small child that fell down and scraped your knee because the sidewalk was cracked, and that person thought that the city needed to repair sidewalks more often.
Our Independence day isn't about the war we won against the British. It's about the people who lived in this land wanting to be who they wanted to be, not who they were told to be. A country isn't so much the history, but the people who made the country and who continue to make the country.
So as you are watching your fireworks, lighting your firecrackers and sparklers think about what I feel about today. And consider what you feel.
Thank you.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Final Project

So for my final project for advanced photography, I did a portrait project, as mentioned in my last post.
"I shot the project with our macro lens, which is slightly unconventional as I shot portraits. I only call them portraits because they are in portrait form, but they aren't a living person as the subject. The subject is more of the form of a human, not a living person. I put a mask on it so it at least has a face. OK, that sounds morbid.... I'm not using a corpse. Promise. You'll just have to wait and see! :]"
I used a dress form as my subject. See? Not as morbid as it sounded! =] It was a lot of fun to shoot!
Included in this post are some shots. I'll upload them to Flickr later and post a link to my Flickr page.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Hello! Let me introduce myself....

So, I set up this blog probably two months ago, as I wanted to post my photographs to share with people and get feedback about them. Well....hehe....obviously since I set it up a while ago and this is the, um, first post, I have been busy! Since school is almost over, I graduate high school next weekend, I will have much more time to post! =] yay!

Right now I'm working to save up for a camera. A Sony A330 actually. Nifty thing. I like it. Mom and I share the Pentax we have, which gets problematic as we both want it at the same time. [there is a link to her blog in my blog list, ...and a hive of silvery bees, she gets some damn good stuff! i get a little jealous at times.] It will be very nice to have a camera for myself. And of course the boyfriend, RAS, [oh yeah, we have the same initials, just btw.] requested that he be the first thing I take a picture of with it. Dad, the resident "pro" of the house, barely uses the cameras.....but he claims to be the main owner of them....*sigh, and thinks to herself* 'you may have bought them, but you don't use them, dad, so no, mom and i own them.'

Right-right now, I'm taking a break from editing my Advanced Photography final project. I'll post some shots later as I get more finished. Right now I'm making myself a proof sheet so I can narrow down my selection to 14 edited photos from about 30 shots. I'm so excited about it!

What's my equipment is at the moment?
Pentax K200D and a Pentax 50 macro lens, Pentax 18-55II [kit lens that came with camera], and a Pentax 75-300 zoom lens. We have a Lumix which idk what it is and it's not in sight at the moment, so the eight ball says "Ask again later". My film camera I use for school, we do both digital and film at my high school, black and white film that is, is a Pentax ILX. Sense a theme? There is a big, long story about why my dad bought that equipment, you don't want to hear. It's boring. We have an older Canon DLSR, PowerShot Pro90 IS, that reminds me of a droid in Star Wars, really, it does. That or a bull terrier, face wise for both. But I don't use that one.

I shot the project with our macro lens, which is slightly unconventional as I shot portraits. I only call them portraits because they are in portrait form, but they aren't a living person as the subject. The subject is more of the form of a human, not a living person. I put a mask on it so it at least has a face. OK, that sounds morbid.... I'm not using a corpse. Promise. You'll just have to wait and see! :]

OK, enough procrastination and not focusing, back to work I go! =]