Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Special Treat - Day 59

Day 59: Special Treat
Actually arrived on day 58 of my 365 project.

Back in December, I donated $25 to the Save the Children fund during the Project for Awesome. The particular charity I choose was the one that Maureen Johnson was doing. The winnable prize was an ARC*  of her newest book, The Last Little Blue Envelope**. Guess who won one?! ME!

Upon its arrival, there was much joy, a little jumping around, a bit of squeaking and much, MUCH happiness.

I have never had anything personally signed to me. And the cool part was that it was hand addressed, to me, by MJ. One of my favorite authors has my address. Kinda, really awesomely cool. =D
*Advanced Reader Copy, bookstores usually get them for employees to read or they are for people to write reviews on.
**Sequel to my favorite of hers, 13 Little Blue Envelopes


Anonymous said...

This is an interesting technique. How is it done? M

Sans Parallax said...

Fisheye lens, actually. RAS's uncle gave him a screw-on fisheye "filter" a while back. It fits my lenses but not his and I had it here at the house.