Saturday, April 16, 2011

Egg Hunt prints!

Secret project revealed!

Set of 12 4x6 prints, one of each egg, up in my Etsy Shop here.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Secret Project!

It's not ready for a reveal yet but I have been working on a special secret project the past few days. Once I am all ready to show you what it is, I will post it here. 
Fingers crossed that I am able to catch up on posting the 365 stuff as well.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I'm Alive! [and Links!]

I'm still alive, don't worry! I have been going from one thing to the next for days on end. I had a paper due, then I had to finish my Graphic Design and Visual Art assignments. And on Friday I had an interview at Michael's in the Frameshop (won't know if I got it until Monday or Tuesday). Why must college eat me alove sometimes?

Right now I'm working on a special project that you will be very excited for!
But while you are waiting for me to get my butt back on track, you could go take a peek in my Etsy Shop! There are only 2 prints up as of this posting, and I hope to get more up in the next few days as my time gets freed up.
If you want to keep up with what I'm doing, "Like" my page on Facebook, or follow me on Twitter.