Day 15: Childhood Treasure
Childhood: pre-adulthood, pre-adolesence. Treasure: priceless old friend.
Name: Theodore Polar Bear Stafford, but he goes by just Theo.
Age: 18 years old.
Home: Safe and warm in my best friend's arms.
In the 18 years that I have had Theo:
-He has traveled thousands of miles (car, bus, plane, ship).
-He has lost his bearish figure around the torso; poor thing flops over and looks like he is woozy with his head between his knees.
-He's been squashed, mashed, thrown about, dropped on the floor, sat on, and drowned in the washing machine and then hung by his ears to dry.
-He's been cried on, carried around, shown off at school and stuffed in a backpack.
-He's kept me company when I'm alone or when I was sick.
-He fills the space that a pillow can't in any situation.
-He only has one little hole in his neck that the tip of my pinky can fit in.
-There are only a couple threads missing from his embroidered nose, and his tag is finally starting to fade to illegibility.
After all that he's still my bear, chipped eyes and all.
My uncle who gave him to me said that "her" name was Theodora. Since I received him at about 6 mos. old, it took a couple years for me to correct the fact that Theo was indeed a boy. Girl bears just don't wear red plaid bowties around their necks. They wear girly pink ones on their ears. Silly uncle... =]
Mind you I was little at the time and had a very small understanding of the world and fashion.